One statement I often hear from parents is ‘Oh its so interesting seeing how you do what you do!’ so I thought I would share some insight into what my newborn photography session looks like.
Although I to try to condense my props and equipment, it can’t be denied that I do bring quite a bit – pretty much a car full actually!! My items range from my camera (of course!), to my beanbag and frame, to wraps and accessories and also some props and your colour backdrops.
Hopefully when I arrive, your newborn little one is ready to have a lovely sleep, but just before this, I aim to get all my equipment set up and ready to go to prepare for any eventuality we might face!

The first part of the photo session will usually be on my beanbag set up. This is where I capture all those gorgeous sleepy poses and it is made up of a flat beanbag and a specific frame around it where I place the backdrops. My aim is to photograph approximately four poses across two different colour backdrops. These beanbag images are ones I describe as the most colour heavy, as there is just baby against a large backdrop of colour. I usually advise parents to think about which colours they most favour for these pictures ie lounge colours, nursery colours, neutral (and therefore timeless colours) or just your favourites!

Whilst the pictures are being captured, I usually like to have a heater on (which I bring along with me) to help keep baby nice and warm. No one wants to be naked and cold, right?! Oh, and my trusty white noises/shusher machine to help soothe your baby (especially for when my camera ‘clicks’).

Once I am happy that the beanbag poses have been captured and if little one is still sleeping, then I wrap up baby using one of my stretchy wraps and pass to Mum or Dad for cuddles (or a feed if needed!) whilst I pack away the beanbag and bring my props into place. These are usually two of my collection of baskets, crates or bowls. I find by having baby in a wrap they are comfy and cosy and then happy to continue with more photos.

The session really is a lovely experience and although I do like to have an action plan, I am lead by baby and completely work around them. Having had the pleasure of this dream job for the past 9 years, I am used to working with every eventuality and am positive that no matter the situation on that particular day, that I can capture some truly beautiful images of your newborn baby.
Luv Jen x